Chairperson Message


About Me

I am one of the distinguished medical professional in the field of surgical oncology/ cancer surgery with an expertise of more than a decade in the field ofsurgical oncology in India. I have gained specialized structured surgical oncology training and performed all the major operative procedures like commando surgery and various neck dissections for head and neck cancer, thoracic, gastrointestinal, breast surgery, oncoplasty and many more. I have also been associated to various leading medical research institutes across the country. You can also Join Me at Facebook. Subscribe to my You Tube Channel.

Trainings & Fellowships

  • Training in advanced surgical oncology from National Cancer Centre, Japan
  • Extensive training in surgical oncology at IRCH, AIIMS, India

Educational Qualifications

  • MS, General Surgery, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka, India
  • MBBS, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka, India
  • Training in Advanced Surgical Oncology at National Cancer Center, Japan
  • Extensive Training in Surgical Oncology at IRCH, AIIMS, Delhi, India

Accomplishments, Memberships & Awards

  • Awarded Surgical Oncologist of the year 2015
  • Excellence Award 2014
  • Sir Syed Khan Award for year 2014
  • Recieved Rashtra Gaurav Samaan
  • Editorial Board Member, BIOMED Journal
  • Has published a number of cancer training videos for young cancer surgeons on You Tube. Which you can Watch Here
  • Member of a number of National & International Bodies like IASO (Indian Association of Surgical Oncology), SSO (Society of Surgical Oncology), SAGES (Society of American Gastero Endoscopy Surgeons), etc.
  • Was first in the world to report Giant Leiomyosarcoma of Scrotum


  • In developing Oncological Units in Various Hospitals
  • More than a decade experience in Oncology
  • Performed more than 8000 major cancer surgeries like Commando Surgery and various neck dissections for head and neck cancer, Superficial and total Parotidectomy, Hemi and Total Thyroidectomy, radical excision of scalp tumors, excision of skin cancers at different sites, Modified radical mastectomy, Radical mastectomy, Breast Conservation Surgery, BreastReconstruction Surgery, Microdochectomy, Lung resections, Esophagectomy (transhiatal, transthoracic), Radical Gastrectomy, Radical cholecystectomy, Small bowel resection-anastomosis, Hemicolectomy, Anterior resection and Abdomino-perineal resection for rectal cancer, Whipples’ procedure, Total abdominal Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, Total Omentectomy for Ovarian cancer, Posterior Exenteration, Radical hystrectomy, Hemipelvectomy, Amputations, Radical excisions of various soft tissue sarcoma, Orbital exenterations, Chest wall tumor excision and reconstruction, Metastatectomy, Radical Nephrectomy, Ilio-inguinal block dissection, Penile amputation, Minimaly invasive Laparoscopic and endoscopic procedures. Oncoplasty (Plastic reconstruction) procedures using various flaps- Pectoralis major myocutaneous/osteomyocutaneous flap, Deltopectoral flap, Latissimus Dorsi flap, Vertical and Horizontal rectus abdominis flap, Temporal flap, Rotation advancement flaps. Free flaps
  • Experience in treating National & International Patients and providing equality, affordable Cancer Care to all